November 2015

As part of the 2015 NC Fellows show at SECCA, I was invited to bring selections from Value of Words #15/5 to CAM Raleigh to accompany an exhibit of Sarah Cain’s work titled The Imaginary Architecture of Love. My contribution was a temporary site-specific design applied to the front windows of CAM that had a dual function as backdrop for a performance with collaborator, Justin Tornow and COMPANY dancers. The design titled Lemniscate is in reference to the concept of infinity and the collaborative process with Justin which continues to have a constant motion and unending quality which is further complicated and iterated with the participation of the dancers of COMPANY.
folding pattern mapping residence locations of COMPANY dancers

folding pattern mapping residence locations of COMPANY dancers

artwork to be applied to CAM front windows derived from data mapping

artwork to be applied to CAM front windows derived from data mapping

Justin Tornow and Heather Gordon

Justin Tornow and Heather Gordon

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