Back in 2019, I enjoyed a residency at Duke University and had generated a shape that just wouldn’t leave me alone. In 2023, I worked with printmaker Bill Fick on a short run of screenprints to commemorate the UNLESS shape inspired by The Lorax. Throughout our collective pandemic experience I found myself reading a great deal and took comfort that other humans had not only survived but thrived in challenging times. These altered prints are the result of that admiration and gratitude for those words that kept me company. Bill pulled the prints, and I added the words in red gouache.

Thou Art a Little Soul Bearing About a Corpse
UNLESS: Marcus Aurelius
28″ x 20″, altered print 2/13

We Are What We Can Remember
UNLESS: Richard Restak
28″ x 20″, altered print 11/13

Silence Gives Consent
UNLESS: Thomas More
28″ x 20″, altered print 8/13

Better To Build A Bridge Than A Wall
UNLESS: Elton John
28″ x 20″, altered print 7/13

Awake Arise or Be For Ever Fallin
UNLESS: Milton
28″ x 20″, altered print 1/13

Dogs Bark at What They Cannot Understand
UNLESS: Heraclitus
28″ x 20″, altered print 3/13

Facts Do Not Cease to Exist Because They Are Ignored
UNLESS: Aldous Huxley
28″ x 20″, altered print 6/13

UNLESS: Rosa Parks
28″ x 20″, altered print 11/13

Look the World Straight in the Eye
UNLESS: Helen Keller
28″ x 20″, altered print 9/13

This Is Because That Is
UNLESS: Thich Nhat Hanh
28″ x 20″, altered print 10/13