Typeface performance at GreenHill Center for NC Art, 200′ long, Heather Gordon & Chris Vitiello

MAY 29, 12-5pm
GreenHill Gallery

Join Chris Vitiello and me for a special performance of TYPEFACE.

Why is it special?

We’ve both wanted to try this project at 100ft in length for years. The GreenHill Gallery can hold it and is working with us to present this performance.

Come watch us churn out text and colliding language for five hours as we attempt to complete our 200 foot long paper loop in a single session.

READ A FULL DESCRIPTION at the GreenHill website.


Heather Gordon
excerpt from the 200′ ft shared scroll
The completed 200′ typed scroll


The first time we tried this, we called it She Said / He Said. We set up in The Carrack after hours so we could document the process.
TYPEFACE as part of Under Pressure at VAE on Market St. This was a series of long performances by artists and collaborators.
TYPEFACE performance at NCMA during You Are Here
Typeface at NCMA during You Are Here. Our performance was on a roster that included dozens of artists performing works over a 24-hr period.