Exhibit A, ink and drawing media on NY Times front pages
Exhibit A, ink and drawing media on NY Times front pages

Language analysis, cultural events, and the packaging of news is the subject of Small Talk. These works are manipulations of the front pages of the Sunday NY Times. Using ink, the original media choice of newspapers, words and images are confined, related, and augmented with graphic elements to emphasize the apparent bias of the news and the overall shifting sands of current cultural beliefs surrounding hot button issues.

studio installation of SMALL.TALK including 57 individual reworked NY Times front pages
studio installation of SMALL.TALK including 57 individual reworked NY Times front pages

SELECTED WORKS (view a complete listing of these works)

Semiautomatic, Power Attack, and Savior Complex
Semiautomatic, Power Attack, and Savior Complex

FU (2013), ink on NY Times front page

I Kant Hear You, Eat Your Young, and 8 Ball
I Kant Hear You, Eat Your Young, and 8 Ball

Bomb (2013), ink on NY Times front page

First Aid, FOXhole, and Fakery
First Aid, FOXhole, and Fakery

Trust the Midas Touch (2014), ink on NY Times front page